Thursday, February 21, 2019

Tips and Techniques to Conducting an interview.

1. Do your homework:
- Know who you're talking to and if you can, call and do a pre-interview. 

2. Come correct, do NOT try to "wing it." Be prepared! RESEARCH!

3. Think like a journalist. Ask open ended questions, not "Yes or No" questions. 

4. Make your subject talk to you, not the camera lens. 
- Sit offset of the camera so that your guest feels comfortable and not awkward. 

Things to keep in mind:

- Head space
- Make sure the eyes are around 1/3 from the top of the frame. 
- If your guest uses hand gestures when they speak, be sure the hands are not rapidly moving in and out of the frame. 
- Keep in mind the background and surrounding areas.
- Lighting! [Good to use the three-point lighting system] - Key Light (Top Left when looking at the guest), Fill Light (Opposite to Key Light but set lower directly beside the guest on right side), and Back or Hair Light (to separate the guest from the background).

Photo Restoration [AR299E]



Thursday, February 14, 2019

Virtual Reality - Sample Project [CM412]

One rule that no longer exists when taking photos like these is the Rule of Thirds. A new rule that can be added is knowing what it going to be shot before actually taking the photo.

Assignment Four [AR299E]



Monday, February 11, 2019

Logo Design for Faces by Monique

Developed this logo for a freelance Makeup Artist using texts and graphics in Adobe Photoshop!

Tiny Truth by: Aaron D. Able

Here is a short memoir / micro essay I submitted to the Creative Nonfiction Network during their online "Tiny Truth" essay competi...